
Asides are meant to be a microblog of sorts, some posts don't need to go into our main blog, but we still want to share, so we post them here.

Redoing the blog

We've been in the middle of giving our blog a refresh, re-organising some posts, re-publishing some posts, moving some posts.

You'll see a nice new leaner blog shortly that will be easy to find what you are looking for, and plenty of new content coming as well.

How the new releases are going

We've been busy with touch ups on this site, as well as the redesign of our dashboard for users, a new CLI tool and upgrades to our API.

It's a busy time, and we'll post more as we release but we wanted to post a quick aside on where we are with things.

New Site Designs

We've been hard at work on this site, changing our home page and flow, as well as working on new updates to our dashboard. We're excited about these updates and hope you will be too.

Server upgrades

A lot of work went into our team's server upgrade over the weekend but our infrastructure is now faster and better than ever.

What is an aside?

Asides are basically a microblog. We use these to push small notes or ideas that don’t quite need a full blog post. No markdown, no markup, just plain simple text asides.

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